日ASEAN超学際研究プロジェクト ワーキングペーパー


日ASEAN超学際研究プロジェクトワーキングペーパーシリーズ(Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Working Paper Series)は、京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 日ASEAN超学際研究プロジェクトが公開するワーキングペーパーシリーズです。




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  1. ページ設定
    用紙 A4版
  2. フォント
    10-12pt MS明朝
    英文サマリー Times New Roman 10-12pt
  3. 使用言語は自由です。ただし、英文タイトルと著者名のローマ字表記、英文抄訳は必ず付けること。
  4. 著(編)者名の右肩に*(表題に注がある場合は**)をつけ、所属部局名と職名、ならびに連絡先(原則としてE-mailアドレス)を明記のこと。
  5. 図表・写真はそのまま印刷可能なものに限る。本文中に挿入するか論文末尾に置くかは自由です。すべてに番号をふり、キャプションをつけること(出典含む)。
  6. その他

    日ASEAN超学際研究プロジェクト ワーキングペーパー 最新版・バックナンバー

    京都大学レポジトリ(KURENAI)からも閲覧できます。 日ASEAN超学際研究プロジェクトワーキングペーパーシリーズ (TDWPS)

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 17(March 2022)

    Title: Power on the grid:
    Understanding coal lock-in and regime resistance in Philippine energy transition
    Author: Julie Ann de los Reyes
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 16(March 2022)

    Title: Psychotherapy co-provision by peers and healthcare workers for substance use disorders in Indonesia
    Author: Chika Yamada / Youdiil Ophinni
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 15(February 2022)

    Title: Superando las brechas disciplinarias: cinco décadas de investigación japonesa en el Sudeste Asiático
    Author: Mario López / Kono Yasuyuki / Nathan Badenoch
    Language: Spanish

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 14(January 2022)

    Title: Periodical Publications in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Handbook for Acquisition and Practical Use
    Author: Southeast Asia Periodical Project Group
    Language: Japanese

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 13(January 2022)

    Title: The Arrival of the Vietnamese, Annamnikaya Buddhism, and the Formation of the Samananam Borihan Temple in Thailand in the Early Rattanakosin Period
    Author: Thanyathip Sripana
    Translator: NISHIDA Masayuki
    Language: Japanese / Thai

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 12(July 2021)

    Title: Neither Kha, Tai, nor Lao: Language, Myth, Histories, and the Position of the Phong in Houaphan
    Author: Oliver Tappe / Nathan Badenoch
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 11(March 2021)

    Title: Towards Sharing the Information Resources for Area Studies in Southeast Asia: Monograph. Vol. 2
    Editor: ONO Mikiko / Vu Hung Cuong
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 10(October 2020)

    Title: Puzzling Confluence of Conservation and Ecotourism in Komodo National Park, Indonesia
    Author: Cypri Jehan Paju Dale / Gregorius Afioma
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 9(September 2020)

    Title: Agrarian Change in the Central Plain of Thailand (1950-2020):
    A Longitudinal Study of Farm Characteristics
    Author: François Molle
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 8(August 2019)

    Title: Bridging the Disciplinary Divide: 50 years of Research at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies
    Author: Kono Yasuyuki / Nathan Badenoch / Mario Ivan Lopez
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 7(April 2019)

    Title: Conflict, Institutions, and Economic Behavior: Legacies of the Cambodian Genocide
    Author: Katsuo Kogure / Yoshito Takasaki
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 6(March 2019)

    Title: What motivates developing countries to diversify sources of renewable energy?
    Author: Moises Neil V. Seriño
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 5(February 2019)

    Title: The Abuse of Entrusted Power for Private Gain: Meaning, Nature and Theoretical Evolution
    Author: Joseph Pozsgai-Alvarez
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 4(January 2019)

    Title: Cheroots in Myanmar:Rural Development behind the Government Policy
    Author: Matsuda Masahiko
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 3(January 2019)

    Title: Some Remarks on the Causal Inference for Historical Persistence
    Author: Katsuo Kogure
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 2(October 2018)

    Title: Preliminary analysis of built environment and cause specific visits to community health centres in Medan city, Indonesia
    Author: Soo Chen Kwan / Iin Juliani Saragih
    Language: English

    Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Series 1(February 2018)

    Title: Impact of Foreign Entry in Banking Sector:
    Case of Thailand during 1999 – 2014
    Author: Wanxue Lu / Fumiharu Mieno
    Language: English